Nadine Steenhoek

Player #11

Nipissing University (University – 2008)
discGraceful (Mixed – 2009)
Fresh (Mixed – 2011)
Zen (Mixed – 2012-2013)

Playing two of our best tournaments back to back (Regionals and No Borders), and walking away with wins against teams that were going to Nationals. Spending time with friends who quickly become family, car rides to tournaments, dinners out, down time with the team (at home and on the road).

Watch some of the best players when they go out on the field. Watch how they position themselves defensively, how they make their cuts, how they make their throws, listen to how they communicate.  I still do it.

Be open minded, willing to learn, and have a positive attitude on and off the field. Welcome feedback, ask questions at the right times, train/practice outside of formal practices and games. Recognize when your attitude is out of tune and be willing to own up and give yourself an adjustment. Know what you want and your teammates want, set reasonable goals and work towards them.