Darrel Nantais
Player #22
Darrel – The true heart, soul and engine of Zen. He has an outrageous flick huck bomb and a wealth of experience to break down another team’s zone. He has a calm and collected approach on the field and his ideas and aspirations for Zen are inspirational.
What Darrel’s teammates say:
It’s undeniable how much Darrel loves flatball and the mixed ultimate system. He gives so much of his time and energy and asks for nothing in return because he just genuinely wants to see the team succeed. On the field, Darrel is passionate and focused. He holds himself and everyone else to a standard that he knows we’re capable of. Off the field, Darrel is a giant teddy bear. A giant teddy bear who will playfully shove you to the line when your name is called and chase Maya around on all fours after a few rounds of Kanjam and homemade brew.
“Constantly working to improve, and you know you can count on him to give his all, never give up.” #darebear
“The only man I know with a children’s story about him.” #whoarethesepicklesfor
Zen – 2016 Darrel joins Zen this year, bringing along with him many years of touring experience, his adorable canine friend Maya, and his ever-so-impressive beard. As a veteran to the sport, his field awareness is unparalleled, and on defense you can bet he’ll box out his opponents and battle for the disc every time.
Number: 22
Is there significance behind your number?
No not really, I always liked 10 and 77, but 10 is super popular (ick) and Chris Aubin had 77 when I joined MMV in 2013 (youthful seniority).
O Line Handler
What do you bring to the team?
I am consistent at throwing and catching, I consider myself to be an accurate thrower. I think I see the field well and can put the disc to spaces on the field that only my teammates can get it.
Previous Experience/ Touring History:
Zen (Mixed- 2016)
MMV (Mixed – 2015, Captain)
MMV (Mixed – 2014, Captain)
MMV (Mixed – 2013)
Current Team(s):
Officially, Zen only. Reliable sub 🙂
Do you have a pre/post game ritual or any other superstitions?
I like to do a 5-10 ft apart quick throw warm up just before I go on.
Least Favourite/ Favourite Fitness:
Century in wind with suicides was killer, of course.
Favourite Pump-up Song:
What is your favourite TUC League/ Team to play on? Why?
Favourite Zen Tagline
If there is anything else you would like the world to know?
Pickle for Darrel?
What teammate do you admire and why?
Misiu- He knows how to combine fun with competitiveness, his game gets really amped up when he’s acting silly. Some people look to balance those two things, Shoo combines them!
Is there any specific moment/ drill/ game that you consider a highlight of the season so far?
The first half of the game against Union at OUC was an indication of Zen 2017’s potential. Low turnover rate and capitalizing on the other team’s mistakes, basically EVERY time.