Eric Lau

Player #2 Alternately “LBR” Eric Lau has the lowest low-release out of the them all. From the beginning, he has had to work harder, think smarter, jump higher, and move faster than everyone else to compete and the result is a proficiently agile handler. He’s light, quick, and draws on a wellspring of “inner height.”
Zen (Mixed – 2004, 2007)
Too Bad (Open – 2006)
Queen’s Mothership (University – 2004-2007)
Tundra (Mixed – 2008, 2009, 2010 (C))
Burro Electrico (Open – 2011-2013)
My ever tournament was Co-Ed Jamboree in Ottawa, and catching my first ever Callahan. My first tournament, first Callahan. I was convinced I could keep up that pace…
Footwork becomes ultra important. It’s really hard to change poor footwork. When all things else is equal, footwork can be a difference between able to gain that little separation for the score…